

Monday, January 28, 2013

Winter Flickr Quilt Bee Blocks

I actually broke into the Flickr quilt bee world and signed up for the Winter Quarter 4x5 Modern Quilt Bee!  I am super excited because Elizabeth Hartman from Oh!Fransson is in my group!!!  I'm toying with having her sign my block :P  There are 5 other ladies in my hive, and these the are blocks I've finished so far.  I thought I saw a block like this somewhere, but I can't recall where and so I'm calling this an E.T. Phone Home original.  Each block is 12.5" square.  

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Natural Sourdough Bread Starter Action

BF and I picked up a loaf of sourdough bread at the store last week that I found so tasty I challenged myself to DIY.  After searching through many starter recipes, I chose to duplicate this one at Naturally Knocked Up.  I started it on Monday and my has it grown!  

The first two days I used white all purpose flour.  Then I decided to switch to Bob's Mill rye flour to get more flavorful bread.  Yesterday it started to bubble a little bit but today it's full blown bubble action!  I don't want to have to buy a bigger jar to put it in so I may split it into two.  Researching sourdough is definitely interesting.  I'll probably make a simple loaf of bread first.  BF has been begging me to make chili lately though so maybe I'll tackle some sourdough bread bowls too!