

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

WIP Wednesday

I decided it was finally time to bust out some scrap jar star blocks that I received in a Flickr swap last year.  I asked for a rainbow of colors because, who doesn't love a rainbow?  Playing around with blocks on the design wall led me to put them on point and see what happened.  I like it! 

I'm making a few more purple blocks to put in the corners so the overall design is a cool toned X with warm toned fillers.  I'm debating between making this borderless and chopping off part of the scrap jar stars or adding white setting triangles so keep the integrity of the blocks.  I'll probably end up adding the white, just because I can't bear to cut them down! 

In other news, I'm sewing my extra purple blocks on my new 1941 Singer 221 Featherweight, Ethel.  Isn't she darling?  If you haven't sewn with one, they make the cutest little click clack noise while you're sewing away!