I'm trying to be more vigilant about my blogging because I have a lot of great stuff in the works! I signed up for another round of the Flickr 4x5 bee and couldn't wait to get started. One of the hive members is the same as last round and I love her color choices of shades of purple with white and grey. I just picked up my Modern Blocks copy from the library and decided my favorite pattern was Four Acres by Solidia Hubbard on p. 68-69. So simple and bold! I switched up the way the colors were arranged for my bee mate and am really pleased with how it turned out.
Since I didn't want that block to be lonely, I decided to make one for myself at the same time. It is bright, maybe too bright, but I'm leaving it alone for now to decide what to do with it. I was having heart palpitations while contemplating cutting into my original FMF and KJR stash!
Even though I live in Austin, I wasn't able to attend most of the lectures during Quiltcon because I was either volunteering or working. When I saw the Houston Modern Quilt Guild was doing a review of Heather Ross' lecture on her design process, of course I wanted to read about it. And then I found out they were giving away a copy of her new book, Prints, and guess what - I won the book!! I did get to take a peek at this book before, and am super excited I won because it comes with a CD that has tons of images of some of Heather's most popular prints that you can actually print yourself on your own home printer, Spoonflower, whatever you want to do with them! How cool is that? Mendocino mermaids, tadpoles - yes, please!! I especially think this is a great book for sewers who, like me, started really getting into it after some of these cult favorite collections were sold out. Even though I didn't get to meet her in person, Heather seems like a very generous person. My book copy is coming directly from her! The Houston MQG isn't too shabby either, because they're going to be giving away a fat quarter collection of Briar Rose due to come out April 1 and some other things in the works, like an Anna Maria Horner give away as well! Be sure to check them out and sign up.
I'm a member of a quilt bee on Flickr and March is the month I'm Queen Bee! I chose Amber's Scrap Jar Stars as my block and each member chose a color from the rainbow to make me 2 blocks. At the end of the month, I'll have 20 rainbow colored blocks to turn into an awesome quilt. Even though I didn't have to make any blocks for myself, I decided to do the purple blocks. Here's what I came up with for the first one.
Here are some of the others that are being sent to me. I can't wait! Greens Yellows Red and another red Dark and medium blues Happy sewing until next time!