Take advantage of Craftsy's Halloween Flash Sale happening now! Enjoy scary-good savings on select fabric, yarn and kits that are vanishing quickly. Hurry, this limited-time offer expires Friday, October 24, 2014 at 11:59 PM MT. Shop Craftsy's Hallowen Flash Sale fast while supplies last!
I've already ordered my Persimmon jelly roll for $24 :) Stay tuned for what crafty project I make with it.
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I live in Texas now y'all (just thought I'd throw that in for effect!) and it's HOT down here. I know it's October, but it sure doesn't feel like it with the temperatures still in the 90's and no leaves changing colors. I miss you Fall!
Since moving into my house a year ago, I haven't had much money or time to decorate for holidays but I decided it was time to lift my spirits and decorate with fall colors. My friend Corinne at Must Love Quilts drew a picture of the cutest little punkin and Sunday afternoon I decided to make a few, which turned into this lovely mini quilt!
Presenting my very own Punkin Patch. If you want to make your own, check out her free pattern on Craftsy! I used fabrics from my scrap bin for the pumpkins and Peppered Cotton Charcoal for the background. Isn't it perfect? You can find it in my shop! I love some spiral quilting, and I did this in a fun orange thread.