

Monday, September 13, 2010

Work In Progress

Lately I've been doing a lot of sewing and I'm excited to share one of my current works in progress.  I joined the quilting group at church, and they sew small quilts and pillowcases to donate for the children in the local hospital who have cancer.  This is close to my heart, since I am a childhood cancer survivor, and I thought this would be the perfect project!  At the first meeting, I found some scrap fabric that had been given to the group that would make a wonderful child's blanket.  Now, I've always thought, what's the point in making a quilt if it doesn't fit a bed?  I've since decided that idea is no good and any size goes!  I used a simple rail fence strip piecing method for the blocks and added a skinny border followed by a more substantial border. 

sideways shot

The prints are all beach/sea-related - hula girls, palm trees, sea turtles, flip flops, and dolphins of course!  I have a great ocean scene print for the backing too.  The quilt top is finished and now I'm just waiting for a much more experienced machine quilter in the group to sandwich it all together!  

close up of all the prints

This has really inspired me to get moving on more quilting projects.  I had a jelly roll of browns/pinks/greens that I bought at Wal-Mart last year that I'm going to do in a rail fence pattern too.  I know the fabric isn't "serious quilt material," but I'd rather make mistakes on cheap fabric than the Moda fabric I drool over!  Pics of this to be posted later...

don't forget Carlton!  no, I didn't pose him like that either - it's natural :P

1 comment:

  1. I love Carlton!! I also have an orange kitty his name is Gibby!!!
