

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Roller Coaster Quilt

In the spirit of 100 Quilts for Kids, I've been working on another pink/grey/black quilt top this week.  This is such a fun one!  Finished quilt will be 37" x 48" and is from Two From One Jelly Roll Quilts by Pam & Nicky Lintott.  I just love that book!  The quilts are all perfect sizes for charity quilts too.  

Here's a sneak peak at something I'm working on to possibly sell in the future.  What do you think of my Nintendo characters?  I'm such a geek/nerd :D  It's ok, I do what I want because it's my birthday today!  My grandma gave me a JoAnn gift card.  Perfect!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

More charity quilt tops :)

Here's the latest of my charity quilt tops.  The blue & orange one is the culprit of the sheared finger :)  No blood spatters there!  The pink/grey one is some fabric that was donated to my quilt group lately.  I'm not sure it's the most kid-friendly, but I think it'll work.  I have another one cut out and ready to put together real fast later this week.  The pattern is Road Trip Quilt by Cluck Cluck Sew.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

100 Quilts for Kids Challenge

Kate at Swim, Bike, Quilt! is spreading the word about 100 Quilts for Kids, a charity event hosted by the DC Modern Quilt Guild.   The challenge is to make and donate quilts to children in need in your community.  It officially takes place Sept 15 - Oct 15.  For more info, go here.  It sounds like there are great prizes in store for participants! 

Swim, Bike, Quilt

Monday, August 22, 2011

Central Park Quilt Finish

Kate Spain blog hop

I've been a slacker lately.  And not just since I sliced part of my finger off.  I'm doing much better, thanks!  It started before that incident.  Here is my lately finished Central Park Ritzy Cracker quilt, finished and fabulous!  

Moda Bake Shop Ritzy Cracker pattern
Moda Central Park by Kate Spain fabric

I decided to try some shadow quilting in the background spaces and absolutely love how it turned out.  To stabilize the printed area, I quilted a square in the middle.  The back is pieced.  It's really my favorite at the moment.  

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Crafting is dangerous...

Last night as I was rotary cutting some fabric for a charity quilt, I wasn't paying enough attention and rotary cut part of my left pointer finger tip right off - nail and all!  I was quite shocked, as you may imagine.  I don't have my new insurance coverage yet and my finger was spewing all over, so what is a girl to do?  Call her daddy, who happens to be a veterinarian but lives 4 states away.  After tight wrapping, ice, and multiple tylenol, I am doing better.  I didn't have to go to the ER because I can't find the rest of my finger to reattach.  It's definitely gruesome-looking and sore, but seems to be fairly superficial and will probably look normal after it's healed.  The good news?  There's not a drop of blood on the fabric I was cutting!

Anywho, this post is taking awhile to type, as you can imagine, so here's a pic of a quilt top I finished earlier this week.  It is also a charity quilt, but not the one I shed blood for!  The fabric is all from JoAnn.  The pattern is a free download from Connecting Threads.

Keep your fingers clear of the edge!  Happy sewing.

I'm linking to Freshly Pieced and Fabric Tuesday.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Work in Progress Wednesday

I'm still plugging along with my vintage sheets Mod Sampler from last week.  I have the top completed and am really loving it!  I haven't had much time to sew this week, so that's really all I've worked on.  

I did some more organizing of the sewing/crafting room.  My boyfriend and I have decided to dub it the "crap room" since there's so much crap in there!  His mom gave me a quilt rack she had in storage, so I had him hang it when he came to visit this past weekend.  Two weeks in to the long distance (3.5 hrs apart) relationship and all is well!  My only concern is I don't have time to quilt on the weekends when he's here :P  I displayed some of my favorite items on the top of the quilt rack.  I'm definitely going to paint it at some point in time.  

Included in the display, just in case you wondered what in the world those things are.  
Purdue gnome, guardian angel from my mom, an Eiffel tower ornament, a silver plate that was a wedding gift to my parents, an eyechart flask :), a vintage Maine plate, and a pink pineapple.  What can I say, it's an eclectic mix!

My current list of projects:

Tops that need binding:
Michael Miller Antiquity table runner (still)

Completed tops needing backings & quilting:
Verna Friendship Braid
Simply Squares Vintage sheets 
Central Park Charming Stars
Hunky Dory Bubblegum
Vintage Sheets Mod Sampler

Tops in pieces:
Cherish Nature Circle in Squares
Hunky Dory Pandora's Box
Vintage Sheets New Wave 

New projects this week: 0
Finished projects this week: 0  
No new fabric this week because I'm being a good girl until my first paycheck!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thrifty Thursday

First of all, happy birthday grandma!!

Second, let me just say, the Goodwill in my new town rocks!  Here were my finds this week.

Brushed nickel lamp base: $5.99

NIB Target shower caddy rod: $10

Lilly Pulitzer king size pillow case: $0.99  (to be turned into a quilt at a later time)

Ziplock bag full of wine corks: $0.99 (to be turned into this, pic via

1.25 yards of Moda Saltbox Farms sheep print fabric: $1.99

Basket for organizing my new casa: $1.29

Goodwill = good buys :D

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Finally using my vintage sheets!

I've participated in 2 rounds of vintage sheet fat quarter swaps on Flickr over a year ago.  I was so excited about them, and then I couldn't figure out what to do with them!  So they've been sitting in a drawer, ignored and abandoned!  When I had to organize and pack stuff to move, I decided to do something about it.  I chose my favorite pieces and cut out 2 quilt tops, then the rest were mailed to another lovely blogger who will most certainly make some awesome items from them!  

So without further ado, feel free to ogle my vintage sheet version of Oh! Fransson's Mod Sampler quilt.  I've made this one before in 1930s repro prints, and I thought it would be fun to revisit in a more, well Mod, way :D  At first I was really nervous with the green sashing I'd selected, but now I totally love it!  I've been waiting so long to find the perfect project for the bold, large flowered sheet, and it will be the perfect backing.  Sigh... so adorable!

the final layout

sampling the sashing

doesn't it make the blocks pop?

the perfect backing!

My current list of projects:

Tops that need binding:
Michael Miller Antiquity table runner (still)

Completed tops needing backings & quilting:
Verna Friendship Braid
Simply Squares Vintage sheets 
Central Park Charming Stars
Hunky Dory Bubblegum

Tops in pieces:
Cherish Nature Circle in Squares
Hunky Dory Pandora's Box
Vintage Sheets Mod Sampler 
Vintage Sheets New Wave 

New projects this week: 0
Finished projects this week: 0