

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Work in Progress Wednesday

I'm still plugging along with my vintage sheets Mod Sampler from last week.  I have the top completed and am really loving it!  I haven't had much time to sew this week, so that's really all I've worked on.  

I did some more organizing of the sewing/crafting room.  My boyfriend and I have decided to dub it the "crap room" since there's so much crap in there!  His mom gave me a quilt rack she had in storage, so I had him hang it when he came to visit this past weekend.  Two weeks in to the long distance (3.5 hrs apart) relationship and all is well!  My only concern is I don't have time to quilt on the weekends when he's here :P  I displayed some of my favorite items on the top of the quilt rack.  I'm definitely going to paint it at some point in time.  

Included in the display, just in case you wondered what in the world those things are.  
Purdue gnome, guardian angel from my mom, an Eiffel tower ornament, a silver plate that was a wedding gift to my parents, an eyechart flask :), a vintage Maine plate, and a pink pineapple.  What can I say, it's an eclectic mix!

My current list of projects:

Tops that need binding:
Michael Miller Antiquity table runner (still)

Completed tops needing backings & quilting:
Verna Friendship Braid
Simply Squares Vintage sheets 
Central Park Charming Stars
Hunky Dory Bubblegum
Vintage Sheets Mod Sampler

Tops in pieces:
Cherish Nature Circle in Squares
Hunky Dory Pandora's Box
Vintage Sheets New Wave 

New projects this week: 0
Finished projects this week: 0  
No new fabric this week because I'm being a good girl until my first paycheck!


  1. That is quite a mix of decorations! Your quilts look great up there, too. Long distance relationships are no fun, but really helps you appreciate your weekends more. My husband and I lived about that same distance apart for the nine months before we were married. Good luck!

  2. I especially like the quilt hanging on the right. Looks like an Irish Chain? Really pretty!
