

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I made myself a deal...

I have to finish quilting 1 quilt in the stack of finished tops before I can make any. more. quilt. tops. period!    I'm not sure if this is because I'm becoming burned out, unsatisfied that no one seems to want to pay for a quilt, or that I just have too many.  Anyway,  I've undertaken quilting my Bliss sampler quilt and won't start anything else until I complete that sucker!  So far I've finished the outer border.  I know this isn't the proper way to quilt, but I'm lacking inspiration for the center and sashing.  I want to try something besides stippling but am not quite sure what just yet.  Any suggestions?

Last night I finished my roller coaster quilt top.  I think it's so fun!  Looking back at the pattern's suggested way of organizing the blocks, I totally messed it up, but I don't think anyone will notice :)


  1. Hi! I'm hopping over from flickr to check out your bliss.
    Maybe you could stitch in the ditch around the blocks. I don't like doing it but with each block different, they might pop more. Or maybe loops. Loops are my favorite and so fast.

  2. love your quilts! Great color combinations!

  3. The roller coaster quilt looks fabulous! I don't know how they were supposed to be laid out, but I think what you have done is great!

  4. pretty Bliss quilt :) Roller Coaster's colors make me think of the 50's!`

  5. I love your quilt tops! They're both so beautiful!
    You're not the only one with a stack of quilt tops. I even have the backs ALREADY MADE and I still haven't basted them. Sigh. And I refuse to take them to the professional because it's too darn expensive and I could spend that money on fabric.
    I think I'm becoming scared of putting them through my tiny machine and have shut down the quilting side of my brain, ya know? I know I could hand quilt with perle cotton, but it takes so much time and my arm isn't really going to be up to it for a while.
    When I win the lottery I'll buy us both long arms :)
