

Friday, November 4, 2011

Fall 2011 Pinterest Challenge

Pinterest certainly seems like the new Flickr!  I find tons of awesome inspiration there and I know I'll never actually get around to doing everything I see, but I did have time to make a few twig-covered candleholders for my fall decor.  

I bought candles from Dollar General for $1 each, found some twigs outside, and used E4000 glue.  You can get that at JoAnn for $2 with coupons.  There's no reason to ever pay full price at JoAnn FYI!  Anyways, cut or break twigs to desired length and glue on.  You'll have to go section by section because the glue doesn't set right away and the twigs slide around a bit.  

Now on to the 438 other things in my crafty list...

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