Monday, January 30, 2012

New York Beauty #3

I can't believe I'm 3/4 of the way through this project.  I'm having fun and can't wait to try other paper pieced projects, like Lee's Summer Sampler Series of course ;)  Once I have the fourth done, I'm sewing them in a circle but I'm not quite sure what will happen after that.  We'll cross that bridge later but before Feb 9 when I have to pass this baby on!  It'll be a long 6 months before I get it back.  Pretty much all of my other projects are on hold right now, but I'm itching to start a new quilt even though I have 1, 2, 3...6 or 7 quilt tops finished and needing to be quilted, not to mention 3 quilt tops in various stages of progress!


Anonymous said...

love the colors...great job. :)

Taryn V. said...

This is beautiful! I love the rainbow of colors!

Katy Cameron said...

Oh wow, this is fab, love the rainbow and your fabric choices!

Tiffany said...

Very nice block!

BillieBee (billiemick) said...


The Thompsons said...

Love it so far! It's going to be really cool said...

I am in awe of the paper pieced project

Erin said...

beautiful! Love the colours.

retstickan said...

Gorgous colours! Maby I should learn how to paper piece. I think it´s going on my to do list after seeing this!

Jennifer said...

whoa, these colors are fabulous!

Scrap,Quilt, Preach said...

what a lovely block.

kate said...

So are all the links non-working, now? I cannot get to the pattern anywhere. It's October 5, 2012.


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