

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Leap Day Baking Experiment

I am not vegan.  I will never be vegan because I love steak - a lot!!  However, while looking for a thin mint or samoa recipe, I came across Chef Chloe's website and discovered she won Cupcake Wars with a vegan cupcake recipe.  And she had a recipe for vegan thin mints.  I've been trying to be healthier lately, giving up carbonated beverages for Lent and eating at least 1 piece of fruit a day (gasp! I know, I have terrible eating habits).  When I saw her Fluffy Coconut Cupcake recipe, I became Girl Scout cookie side-tracked had to give it a try.  

FYI: the ingredients in this recipe are not cheap.  I spent around $20 for all the stuff to make 16 cupcakes. That being said, the recipe was very easy to make.  My icing seemed thick enough until I had spread it on the cupcakes and then it started drooping, so maybe next time I'll make it even thicker.  I also toasted my coconut topping.  Oh and the cupcakes themselves are very greasy in the papers, so be careful!

After all that work, I have to say.  W.O.W!!  Delicious!  I'm not sure how "healthy" they are because of the coconut saturated fats, but they taste great, had a fabulous texture, and will be a nice treat every now and then.  I will definitely make these again!  I'm also looking forward to seeing what other recipes she has in her cookbook coming out soon, Chloe's Kitchen.   

Happy Leap Day!


  1. They definitely look amazing! I'm jealous :-) P.S. Would you please consider disabling your word verification? Instructions are here:

  2. A little Liebster blog love came into my life, and I'm happy to pass the Liebster blog award on to you! You've so inspired me to take on some New York Beauty action of my own :-)
