

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Attempting the (supposedly) Impossible

Lately I've been thinking about making the Amy Butler Weekender Bag.  I know I'm late to the party, but I really like my Tula Birds and Bees so much that I want it on my couch and I want to wear it around town!  I've decided to make mine patchwork style like Elizabeth Hartman's tutorial here.  

So far I've cut out most of the pieces and made a million yards of piping using Steam A Seam a la Noodlehead.  I'm using a purple-winey colored linen blend for the piping.  Here's the front large pocket!  I love those squirrels - squeekity squeek squeeken :)  More on this later after more progress.


  1. There was so much awesome Weekender inspiration being carried around at QuiltCon this weekend, that I definitely have some bag fever, too! Yours is going to be awesome! I love those squirrelies :-D

  2. Squeek Squeeker Squms Sqeek..haha I love that movie. That is going to be one cute bag!

  3. Squeek squeeker squms...I love that movie. That is going to be one cute bag!

  4. Squeek squeeker squms...I love that movie. That is going to be one cute bag!
