

Sunday, May 5, 2013

May Blocks for Munki in the Middle Bee

I'm doing a small bee swap featuring Heather Ross fabrics, including Munki Munki prints from her pajama and clothing line.  I didn't really have any HR prior to this, so I've been collecting bits and pieces here and there when the price seems right.

Here's what I came up with for my May swap partner.  She wanted a churn dash with the HR in the center.

This block has a pink VW van piece in the center, a V&Co Simply Color teal ikat print for the churn dash, and the background is a white and black polka dot print. 

I may make up a copy of the second block for myself to keep :)  Both the telephones and the number print are from the same Munki Munki nightgown dress that I bought on eBay just to cut up.  I felt the Michael Miller blue and teal polka dot was a great accent for the churn dash!

I'm in another bee that has 2 people on the schedule to receive blocks for May, so I'd better get busy on the others!



  1. LOL! I love that you spotted the nightgown for the fabric :-D Such cute prints!
